
Showing posts from February, 2021

My holo love blog 2

 My Holo Love   This episode starts out with Holo (The AI) asking So Yeon (Main Character) to be with her longer, wants to help her not feel lonely, she gets confused seeing Nanoko (motorcycle guy) and kisses him thinking its Holo.  So Yeon then talks to police about being chased by Nanoko but police do not see him. Holos traits came from Nanako as he was the one who developed Holo which was why So Yeon kissed Nanako at the start of the episode this is an example of cultural anxiety technology is becoming so real that we often mistake people or other objects for someone or something they aren't. Nanoko wanted to create the perfect being thus making Holo but is troubled since Holo asked no reason to So Yeon when she asked Holo why she wanted to stay with him. Nanoko then opens a door with his hands using fingerprints only, this reminds me of how on iPads and iPods they have the button that uses your fingers for fingerprints to see if its ...

My Holo Love Episode 1 by Nick

  The show my Holo love starts with a guy falling into water then it changes into them waking up. He then goes with a girl  which is han to a meeting and talk about how every cell phone having AI and stating how the phone would be inconvenient without it showing that technology helps assist us in our many days and we often say we cant live without it like they do in the show. They show off a special AI which can be seen with sunglasses which is a one of a kind prototype. A other business guy who was in competition with her asks her to buy his business but she says no and walks away. Later han gets chased by men in cars  going for the glasses and her after turning a man down for buying his business and her cell phones AI warns her , she panics pulling out her phone to bring out along with her glasses so she can  see her AI  Holo which then confronts her.  The AI then drives for them being able too with advanced technology being able to see when ...