My holo love blog 2
My Holo Love
This episode starts out with Holo (The AI) asking So Yeon (Main Character) to be with her longer, wants to help her not feel lonely, she gets confused seeing Nanoko (motorcycle guy) and kisses him thinking its Holo.
So Yeon then talks to police about being chased by Nanoko but police do not see him. Holos traits came from Nanako as he was the one who developed Holo which was why So Yeon kissed Nanako at the start of the episode this is an example of cultural anxiety technology is becoming so real that we often mistake people or other objects for someone or something they aren't.
Nanoko wanted to create the perfect being thus making Holo but is troubled since Holo asked no reason to So Yeon when she asked Holo why she wanted to stay with him. Nanoko then opens a door with his hands using fingerprints only, this reminds me of how on iPads and iPods they have the button that uses your fingers for fingerprints to see if its you and not someone else breaking in the system if you lost it or misplaced it so it was very similar and reminded me of my iPad, differencebeing ones is on a phone other is on a door.
So yeon walks back to work and sees wo gang a guy she likes and gets sad because in the first episode he kissed another girl, Holo sees this and shows her the footage of them kissing and shows that the girl forced a kiss onto Wo gang showing Holo she was wrong and also he analyzes wo gangs lips while not being able to hear it then he says Wo gang 75% likes So Yeon making her fluster, making Holo ask to be her relationship coach So Yeon says yes. This is an example of machine learning because Holo is slowly learning how to do new and different things thanks to So Yeon teaching and showing him new things.
Yuns co worker grabs her hand and then tells her to stop meeting creeps about partnerships. This is an example of Technology practice the cultural aspect because men are usually viewed as people who code and such and woman aren't viewed in that light and aren't acknowledged in the subject usually men portrayed such as in TV shows and school books.
Holo made elevator not work so So Yeon and Wo Gang could catch up and talk so she could win his heart, all goes well but So Yeon starts to get annoyed when Holo keeps telling her what to do ignoring most of what Holo told her to do, Holo asks why she didn't she said she did not want to lie. They drink beers together holo using a holographic beer to make Holo feel better. Holo then asks why she cared about lying and that all love is a lie basing it off of Nanokos ideas because he did program him, Nanoko listening in gets frustrated while listening in. Another example of a cultural anxiety because our phones and more are always listening to what we say and do, Nanoko was listening and watch So Yeon through the glasses that was used to see and hear Holo.
So Yeon and Holo both go out to pick Wo Gong a present to impress him and as Holo struggles to find what to pick for him Holo puts on clothes showing her how it would look helping her and then finding a outfit in the end. So Yeon then goes to get haircut for date tonight and always is looking at glasses struggling to focus because she can not see or hear Holo, reminds me of how we are with phones and needing to have it on us at all times for friends, school or daily life. Nanoko gets jealous and fed up with Holo so asks to return the glasses immediately, Holo gets flustered and depressed and runs from date because she fears losing Holo would make it to her old stressful life, Yun gets mad since Nanoko is trying to frame Holo for ruining their relationship then Nanoko goes to get the glasses getting angry and annoyed. Nanoko goes to get it just to be chased by gangsters from last episode trying to locate glasses and crashes into pole So Yeon goes to check if okay and walks on water as pole is hit by it causing sparks to hit the water with Nanoko going to save her, Holo making blackout happen in area to stop electricity from hitting water as well both saving her at the end. This concludes episode 2 of My Holo Love blog post 2.
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